Saturday 7 January 2012

Tips and Amendments!

-All participations will be awarded with 1 mark.
- Certain rules for competitions had been altered for the benefits of the participants.
- You may choose to have an overall theme for your unit for all competitions. 

Iron Scout and Iron Guide Competitions
1. The obstacles during the course are not too challenging. Therefore, avoid taking penalties because the penalty mainly will increase the duration of your course.

Marching Competition
1. Do not ever, ever exceed the time limitation (10 minutes) or risk deduction of a total of 10 marks.
2. Commander should report at the beginning and at the end of the performance.
3. Please ensure that you have at least two formations.
4. Two marks will be awarded if you send in two teams. (Participation marks) This will increase the probability of winning the Overall Champion.

Modern Cooking Competition
Amendment: Canned foods are allowed whereas prepared or preserved foods are strictly forbidden.
1. Do not exceed the time limitation!
2. Special ingredient bears the most marks (20 marks). Thus, pay more attention on cooking the special ingredient. To ensure the fairness of the competition, Unit Leader will have to draw lots during registration to determine the type of ingredient that the group will be given.
3. If the time permits, try to cook extra dishes as it will provide extra marks.
4. Do not bring any kind of prohibited food substances to avoid mark penalty (10 marks). It will be deducted from the final marks.
5. Examples of special ingredients: Squid, pumpkin and etc.

Backwoodsman Cooking Competition

Amendment: You will be provided with three matches. You will gain full marks for fire lighting if you use within three matches. Marks will only be deducted after the usage of three matches.
1. You may use knife, chopping board, bowl and spoon when preparing the food but not during cooking or when serving up.
2. Do not use aluminium foil to wrap the food to avoid deduction of marks.
3. Besides honey, you are not allowed to use other sauces.
4. Newspaper is strictly banned. Please take note!
5. Do not bring any kind of prohibited food substances to avoid mark penalty (10 marks). It will be deducted from the final marks.

Drama Competition
1. Foul language, indecent clothing, and inappropriate scenes such as political or sexual scenes will results in disqualification.
2. Do not exceed the time limitations! (10 minutes) When the bell rung twice, it signifies that the 10th minute has passed and you are to go off the stage even though your play may not have been finished. So, make it short and interesting!
3. Use only English or Bahasa Malaysia for the dialogue.
4. Add in background music where appropriate to make the play seems more fun and exciting!

Banner Design Competition
1. Do not exceed the time limitation and the measurements given, that are, 2m x 1m or 4m x 2m.
2. Clues for your performance:-
i) If the banner or explainations are not in the satisfying level, most probably the judges will ask quite a few questions. But don’t worry, be happy! During the Q & A session, it will be your last chance to save yourself by expressing the main idea contained in the banner. So think twice before you blurt out the answers. Funny yet sensible answer with no discrimination explaination will be awarded with higher marks.
ii) If the banner is in the satisfying level and that the explainations can be understood, you may not even go through the Q & A session!
3. Use various materials and do not plagiarize.
Advertising Competition
1. Try to choose 1 or 2 of your members who can talk spontaneously, good in Q & A sessions, and have good command in either Bahasa Malaysia or English.
2. You may ask the judges to translate into Bahasa Malaysia if they ask you in English.

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