

Current global issues that are attracting the world’s attention nowadays include poverty, children’ rights and women rights. But, a more pressing issue yet unseen by many are dispersing globally. 

So, we, the 12th Unit Rangers is proud to present you the theme, “Impede Racism, Flourish Love” for Gathering 2012 in conjunction with our 91th years of guiding in school. We cordially invite your troop, unit & coy to attend our Gathering on the 25th February 2012.

The theme, “Impede Racism, Flourish Love” can be broken down into simple lines:

- To delay or stop a progress of something

- The belief that some races of people are better than others

- To develop (spread) quickly and healthily and be successful

- To have strong feelings of affection for somebody especially a family member or a friend  

The word “Flourish Love” can also refer to:                 
  • Contributing to the society
  • To be caring and passionate
  • Develop inborn understanding about community 
  • Love and accept someone as part of our life

In some cases, the understanding between those around us and ourselves decrease drastically day by day. Furthermore, the bonds, interactions and reliant among each other are not embraced and cherished. Thus, tolerance and understanding play a great role in uniting a community like our country, Malaysia, which consists of individuals from multiple social backgrounds. As we know, we show unity in a Unit, Troop or Coy or even in a classroom whereby it consists of a diversity of races. So, when we understand the community around us, we will start to love, accept them as part of our life and treat them like our own family members. In this way, all of us would be a big, happy family and a better community is formed.